Saturday, November 22, 2008

Strato-Boy Returns! - New comics for your delight or dismay

Hey guys. Here are my newly completed Strato-Boy pages. I'm going to be submitting my work to various comic book companies pretty soon, but you can be the first to view it right here! Don't you just feel all warm and gooey inside?

- Note: These pages are all xeroxes, not the originals (which were too large to be scanned). So alot of the pages
are marked with gray areas
and scratchy lines from the
copy machines. Sorry!


Jerkbag Productions said...

Hello. My name is Lawyer Suesalot, and I am the legal council representing the vast Strato-Boy empire.

It has come to our attention that you are hosting my client's incredible graphic novel, 'Strato-Boy', without the express written consent of said client.

You must take the remarkable and exciting comic book down at once, or we will be forced to pursue swift and painful legal action against you. You have twenty-four hours to comply.

Jenny said...

I want to know what happens next! Post more!!! I'm gonna become a comic junky because of Strato Boy.